【之家】铁娘子之家- cplusc |
【zhijia】2018-3-5发表: 铁娘子之家- cplusc 这座美丽的现代住宅位于澳大利亚悉尼,由cplusc建筑工作室于2017年设计。thisbeautifulcontemporaryresidencelocatedinsydney,austra 陶瓷相关 之家 梦之家 居然之家洛阳店 居然之家电子商城 居然之家 百木之家 ,本文关键词:plus之家cp 铁娘子之家- cplusc这座美丽的现代住宅位于澳大利亚悉尼,由cplusc建筑工作室于2017年设计。 this beautiful contemporary residence located in sydney, australia, was designed in 2017 by cplusc architectural workshop. 铁娘子之家坐落在悉尼郊区的朗格维尔,tambourine海滩和伍德福德湾之间的一个小居民区。从这里可以尽览莱恩科夫河和悉尼cbd商圈。 iron maiden house is located in the sydney suburb of longueville, a small residential area on the peninsula between tambourine bay and woodford bay. the site is afforded views of the lane cove river and the sydney cbd. 铁娘子之家是专为一个五口之家设计的,这一家人从多年久居香港之后回到悉尼。 iron maiden house was designed for a family of five, returning to sydney from many years living in hong kong. 他们习惯了香港的亚热带海洋季风性气候,客户理想中的家是使用被动设计方法兼顾建筑的暖气和冷气系统。 accustomed to the oceanic subtropical monsoon climate of hong kong, the clients were looking for a home that used passive design principles to heat and cool the building. 他们不惧挑战传统家居的设计理念,通过追求与自然的融合来取悦家人和朋友。 they weren't afraid to challenge traditional notions of what a home should and shouldn't be.requesting a generous connection to the outdoors to enjoy and entertain family and friends. 内容转载自:homeadore 翻译及整理:腾讯家居 标签: 设计 之家zhijia相关"铁娘子之家- cplusc"就介绍到这里,如果对于之家这方面有更多兴趣请多方了解,谢谢对之家zhijia的支持,对于铁娘子之家- cplusc有建议可以及时向我们反馈。 (【zhijia】更新:2018/3/5 9:40:16)